11 rarely known signs of depression

Depression isn’t just over-blown sadness. It is complicated. It consists of a mix of well-known symptoms as well as not-so-well-known. In the United States, almost one in 12 adults report having depression. Women are twice as likely as their counterparts to…
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Therapist and a psychologist – making that first appointment

Deciding between a therapist and a psychologist? What can therapists do and not do? Are psychologists like psychiatrists? Can they write prescriptions? Check out What is the difference between therapists and a psychologist? Is it a mental illness? Have you ever…
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Anxiety as a teenager can keep you from your prize

Anxiety is a frequent companion for most teenagers. And when it sets up shop in your brain, it steals your prize. At school, your palms sweated when the teacher called you to give an answer in front of the class;…
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17 Facts about mental illness which proves it is more prevalent

Mentally ill people look just like you and me who have “normal” mental health, right? But… I had not accepted that truth until a few years ago. The first time I went to a Bipolar Depression Support Alliance support group,…
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Twelve bipolar GIF’s

These bipolar GIF’s are here to encourage people who have a mental illness. I am showing you a window into my heart through these silly graphics. You can look at these GIF’s which describe my bipolar 1 with psychotic features,…
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Anger, Bipolar, Bipolar 1, Bipolar 1 Episodes, Bipolar blog writer, Bipolar Depression, Bipolar Disorder Symptoms, Bipolar GIF's, Bipolar Rage, Bipolar Roller Coaster, Bipolar Stigma, Bradley Cooper, Carrie Fisher, Depression, Mania, Manic, Mental Health, Prayer, psychosis, psychotic features, Ultra-rapid cycling
Depression for the Holidays

Another Christmas and New Years is marked off on the calendar, but the depression lingers on. Some of us are exhausted from all the Christmas shopping, food preparations and holiday decorating. At the same time, others are satisfied with another…
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How do you deal with a bipolar brain that is made of Laffy Taffy?

Bipolar can be fickle Well, this morning has been successful in one way and a total failure in another in bipolar land. I was able to type a draft last night for Blasting News where I am a contributing author. …
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Ultra-rapid cycling bipolar – a day in the life

The rapid cycling disorder has characteristically four or more affective mood episodes yearly; whereas ultra-rapid cycling (which I have) is basically when the mood variances occur more frequently. The bipolar ultra-rapid cycling phases for me can last as little as…
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Articles published by Blasting News! – Hillary Clinton demands teaching a nationwide mental illness curriculum

Mental Illness Curriculum Education and mental illness – two subjects I know very well. Please visit the article and share it with people you know. Also, visit Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and my website.… Work and…
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Depression Valleys Light Up with Faith

Under-diagnosed and not treated at all The depression statistics I have for 2017 shows the seriousness of the illness. Depression is underdiagnosed. Often times, the mental illness is not treated at all. There are over 300 million depressed people in…
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Bipolar Roller Coaster – A Not-so-Lonely Ride

What is this bipolar roller coaster? Every day is an up and down; up, up, up; down, down, down; or a twist and turn on a mental ride I call the bipolar roller coaster. I ride the ups of the…
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