My Rock

God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 This fact is so comforting to me since in my brain I am constantly walking on shifting sand. The rapid cycling goes on and on. When will it end? The…
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Life Conquering Through Christ
God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 This fact is so comforting to me since in my brain I am constantly walking on shifting sand. The rapid cycling goes on and on. When will it end? The…
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The Darkness of this World Even though there are countless promises of God, many of us do not have fond memories of this place called earth. A painful childhood, a rough start as an adult or a string of failures…
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Bipolar Control For the past nine years, I focused really hard on my bipolar symptoms. Instead of pushing through and making a choice that would benefit me in the long run, I would focus on my bipolar mood and feelings…
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When I am at work, I give it my all. Sometimes a manic episode kicks in and I put everything in over-drive. On the flip-side, the depression makes me feel like I am moving through cement. I spend most of…
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Life does not come with an instruction manual. There are situations that we encounter on a daily basis that come up out of nowhere that shake us to the core or our being. How do you respond to your sixteen…
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In our technology saturated world, we are bombarded by the latest and greatest gadgets, the fastest computers and the smartest phones. On the big screens, movie producers wow us even more with the technological advances of their special effects. We…
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