A Good Friend is the Right Medicine

Last night, I met with a friend who just happens to be bipolar l just like me. We met in the bipolar depression support group that I go to on occasion. It is almost one year ago that we met. On…
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Life Conquering Through Christ
Last night, I met with a friend who just happens to be bipolar l just like me. We met in the bipolar depression support group that I go to on occasion. It is almost one year ago that we met. On…
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In the mental health community, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is often referred to as the common cold of any anxiety disorder because it affects more people around the world than any other anxiety disorder. Generalized Anxiety Disorder involves a long…
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Many people have used square breathing as one of dozens of stress relievers. No matter what your stress level, you might be able to benefit from this very easy exercise to help get your breathing under control. Kim has used…
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Out of the Blue Today I met someone who has bipolar like me. We had an immediate connection as if we had known each other all our lives. It did not take us long to become bipolar friends. With our time…
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There are various forms of anxiety. “Anxious” comes from the Latin word angere which means to strangle or choke. A common symptom of anxiety is a sense of strangling or a choking feeling in the throat or chest. Other symptoms…
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How Does Alcohol Effect Anxiety? The occasional use and moderate consumption of alcohol can smooth over any jitters you may have. However, these benefits are overshadowed by the downsides of alcohol’s effects on someone with anxiety. The Effects of Alcohol…
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