Author Archive: Amy

Life Conquering Blog is on mission to encourage those who may struggle with a mental health illness as well as to educate others about same to help break down the walls of STIGMA.

17 Facts about mental illness which proves it is more prevalent

mental health facts

Mentally ill people look just like you and me who have “normal” mental health, right?  But… I had not accepted that truth until a few years ago.  The first time I went to a Bipolar Depression Support Alliance support group,…
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World Bipolar Day 2018

World Bipolar Day 2018

World Bipolar Day 2018 is next week on Friday, March 30, 2018.  It is celebrated each year on March 30th, since that happens to be the birthday of Vincent Van Gogh.  This famous artist was posthumously diagnosed as probably having…
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Guest Blogger, Shane Thomas, M.A., on Becoming Mentally Healthy

guest blogger, Shane Thomas, mentally healthy

Intro to Guest Blogger I would like to introduce you to  guest blogger and friend, Shane Thomas, M.A., who discusses being mentally healthy with his college students on a regular basis.  What makes Shane an expert on being mentally healthy?  He…
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Twelve bipolar GIF’s

Bipolar disorder and physical illness

These bipolar GIF’s are here to encourage people who have a mental illness.  I am showing you a window into my heart through these silly graphics.  You can look at these GIF’s which describe my bipolar 1 with psychotic features,…
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