Bipolar Disorder Symptoms
World Bipolar Day 2018

World Bipolar Day 2018 is next week on Friday, March 30, 2018. It is celebrated each year on March 30th, since that happens to be the birthday of Vincent Van Gogh. This famous artist was posthumously diagnosed as probably having…
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Twelve bipolar GIF’s

These bipolar GIF’s are here to encourage people who have a mental illness. I am showing you a window into my heart through these silly graphics. You can look at these GIF’s which describe my bipolar 1 with psychotic features,…
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Anger, Bipolar, Bipolar 1, Bipolar 1 Episodes, Bipolar blog writer, Bipolar Depression, Bipolar Disorder Symptoms, Bipolar GIF's, Bipolar Rage, Bipolar Roller Coaster, Bipolar Stigma, Bradley Cooper, Carrie Fisher, Depression, Mania, Manic, Mental Health, Prayer, psychosis, psychotic features, Ultra-rapid cycling
Unmotivated bipolar

I love this pin with Snoopy from the Peanuts demonstrating unmotivated bipolar. This pin I chose from Pinterest, is a perfect illustration explaining one of bipolar’s worst symptoms. Lack of motivation. Unmotivated bipolar – what it looks like It never fails,…
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Is bipolar an excuse for bad behavior?

The question above, “is bipolar an excuse for bad behavior?” obviously is a very tricky subject to nail down and dissect. I know what you are thinking. Am I qualified to speak with authority on this touchy topic? Well…my diagnosis…
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Syncing life’s ups and downs with my own mental illness ups and downs

I apologize for not blogging sooner, but life’s ups and downs provided hurdles to me being able to manage my mental illness for the second half of January. Believe me, I had good intentions towards blogging. The past two to…
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Ultra-rapid cycling bipolar – a day in the life

The rapid cycling disorder has characteristically four or more affective mood episodes yearly; whereas ultra-rapid cycling (which I have) is basically when the mood variances occur more frequently. The bipolar ultra-rapid cycling phases for me can last as little as…
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Amy Romine, contributing author with The Mighty

Amy Romine, founder of Life Conquering Blog is now a contributing author for The Mighty which is a mental health blog. Her first published article was on bipolar and relationships. Believe me, having a relationship as a bipolar is extremely…
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Bipolar Writer MIA Again

Loneliness in Bipolar and Writing I apologize that it has been so long since I posted on my blog for bipolar and other mental illnesses. My time has been divided between bipolar episodes and writing. I have to say it…
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Bipolar Disorder Symptoms – Are You Missing the Subtle Signs?

Bipolar Disorder Symptoms- Difficult to Diagnose With the complexities of bipolar disorder symptoms,they are often difficult for doctors to identify and understand. I was not diagnosed bipolar until I was 30 years old. The National Institute of Health determined 2.6%…
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Bipolar Disorder Symptoms: Ideations, Hallucinations and a BIG Decision

Bipolar Disorder Symptoms Bipolar disorder symptoms can vary from person to person. Just because you saw the movie Silver Linings Play Book where Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper act as though they have bipolar disorder, doesn’t mean that all bipolars behave…
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