Monthly Archive: August 2017
My Anxiety diminished by Prayer

Anxiety affects approximately 1.5 percent of the United States population each year. This equals about 3.3 million Americans who battle anxiety in a given year.[i] That is a lot of people suffering from this painful mental illness. The purpose of…
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Stress Test – Does your Job have a Negative Effect on your Mental Health?

Looking-for-a-Job-Stress I have had a lot of stress this past week. I decided to apply for some paralegal jobs. The thought of making money again was oh, so appealing. It did not matter that the stress from my former boss…
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Hellblade Senua’s Sacrifice – Come Experience Senua’s World of Psychosis

Hellblade Senua’s Sacrifice After listening to YouTube for about 30 minutes, James told me he had something he wanted me to hear from one of his gamers he followed, The Mighty Jingles. The particular game he wanted me to take…
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Bipolar Limitations – “You can be anything you want to be.” – What a farce!

Bipolar Limitations I have bipolar limitations. I notice these limitations growing with each passing year. For instance, my memory is awful. I cannot remember what I said two minutes ago. I do not remember if I took my medicine. Or…
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Mental Illness: Living with the Reality of Triggers

If you are living with a mental illness, you always have to look for the curve ball. These curve balls are what we call triggers. Real Life Scenario I had a very costly trigger today. It began last night when…
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Mental Illness Stigma – I could receive a New Name one day

Have you experienced mental illness stigma? Have you been a victim of mental illness stigma? The worst stigma I have felt as someone with bipolar came recently by an acquaintance and when I was a paralegal at a law firm….
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Bipolar Symptoms Nobody wants to Talk About

There is a darker side of bipolar which includes the three symptoms below. Everybody knows the symptoms exist, but there is a mystique about them. They hardly get talked about. Instead, they is swept under the rug. Dysphoric Manic Episode…
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Bipolar Blogger mad as Hell over Pastor giving false mental health advice to a Woman who has Bipolar

Have you seen this bipolar woman? Jamie Davenport-Tull, who has bipolar, went missing in California over two weeks ago. They found her car of which had been in a crash near her home. But Jamie’s body was nowhere near the…
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Bipolar is a Giver and a Taker: What I have lost and gained on my journey

I was not diagnosed with bipolar until I was 31 years old (10 or more years too late). At that time, my career quickly slipped out of my reach. My Career Taken by Bipolar During my teaching career, I did…
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Rapid Cycling Bipolar – What is it?

As I am winding down the day, I am reflecting over the rapid cycling bipolar episode I had early on. The type of rapid cycling bipolar I have is the one where I can change moods in minutes. That is…
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Bipolar Depression – What does it look and feel like? Could you notice it in someone?

How do you know when you are slipping into a bipolar depression? Is it a feeling in the pit of your stomach? A dark cloud beginning to hover over your head? How does your mood change? I merely slipped into…
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