Twelve bipolar GIF’s

These bipolar GIF’s are here to encourage people who have a mental illness. I am showing you a window into my heart through these silly graphics. You can look at these GIF’s which describe my bipolar 1 with psychotic features,…
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Anger, Bipolar, Bipolar 1, Bipolar 1 Episodes, Bipolar blog writer, Bipolar Depression, Bipolar Disorder Symptoms, Bipolar GIF's, Bipolar Rage, Bipolar Roller Coaster, Bipolar Stigma, Bradley Cooper, Carrie Fisher, Depression, Mania, Manic, Mental Health, Prayer, psychosis, psychotic features, Ultra-rapid cycling
Bipolar 1 Episode causes a Mental Health Blogger to go Missing in Action

Read further to discover more about Bipolar 1 I want to first apologize to my readers and guests since I have been silent these past two weeks. Whenever I go silent, I am experiencing a bipolar 1 episode. I have…
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