Depression – Life Conquering Blog Conquering Bipolar with Jesus Wed, 10 Apr 2019 14:47:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Depression – Life Conquering Blog 32 32 How to Survive a Crash between Bipolar Disorder and Physical Illness Fri, 14 Dec 2018 03:10:50 +0000 Bipolar Disorder and Physical Illness

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Bipolar disorder and physical illness collide inside my body on a quasi-regular basis.  They bring with them highly agitated symptoms from both sides.  The bickering that ensues between the pair is what takes my attention away from writing.  This last time I was sick, the laptop sat in a chair without the slightest touch of my fingers for weeks.

Bipolar disorder and physical illness
Bipolar disorder and physical illness

The combination of bipolar disorder and physical illnesse stir up a nasty concoction in me every time.  For example, depression and coughing collide while mania and fever slam into each other.  Or it could be insomnia butting heads with exhaustion.  You know the truth.  Bipolar or depression and everything in between are not going to take a vacation when you have laryngitis. 

The aftermath from the meeting of the two medical giants will generate lots of money shelled out at the pharmacy and a crick in the neck from sleeping on the couch for too long. 

Bipolar disorder and physical illness
Bipolar disorder and physical illness

Has this ever happened to you?  Yes?  Well, you are in good company.  I am the Queen of bipolar disorder and physical illness clashes.  Based on my experiences, I will give you some suggestions on how I survived the unwelcomed meet-up of the mental and the physical sides.

You can be a Survivor

When I come down with something which rubs against my mental illness symptoms in the wrong way, I usually fight hard against sleepingI lay awake staring at the ceiling.  I flip through the pages of a magazine.  I read a book I haven’t touched in months.  And of course, I play on my phone. 

Bipolar disorder and physical illness
Bipolar disorder and physical illness

During this entire time, the psychotropic meds sit defiantly untouched while I lay awake all night.  Over the years, I discovered two methods that helped me survive the battle between bipolar disorder and physical illness. 

Survivor Skill #1 – Get more sleep

When I feel under the weather, like with a cold, I get so tired that I practically collapse into bed from just laying around doing nothing all day. The truth is we all need sleep!  However, not everybody gets the right amount of shut-eye.  Below is the most up-to-date sleep data for the United States.

  • 50% to 80% of the patients in a regular American psychiatric office are sleep deprived;
  • Compare this to the 10% to 18% of adults in the general population who experience sleep deprivation; and finally
  • Sleep deprivation costs the US $411 billion annually.
Bipolar disorder and physical illness
Bipolar disorder and physical illness

Getting the correct amount of sleep for a mentally and physically well human being, each night is crucial.  If you throw in a mental illness as well as the flu into the mix, the stakes go up.  A sleep-deprived person (with any type of illness) driving a car is as impaired to get behind the wheel and stomp on the gas as a person who is driving drunk.  This is serious stuff!

The bottom line here is to create an environment that will promote healthy sleep.  This is what we call good sleep hygiene It’s important to establish this level of health in order to function properly throughout the day.

Bipolar disorder and physical illness
Bipolar disorder and physical illness

Appropriate sleep hygiene means the following:

  • Winding down before you get into the bed;
  • Having an set bedtime;
  • No interruptions during the night;
  • Getting enough sleep; and 
  • Waking up so that you feel rested

I am still attempting to achieve good consistent sleep hygiene. In the end, sleeping all the hours and minutes my body needs will, at the very least, assist me with decisions. 

These decisions could be determined by the following questions: “How many hours of sleep do I need to get?”, or “Should I take my prescribed medications while I am sick with a stomach virus?”

Bipolar disorder and physical illness
Bipolar disorder and physical illness

Survivor Skill #2 – Take your psychotropic medicine

Some of us have a tendency to skip our meds whether healthy or sick. I do take my medicine when I am well most of the time.  Although when I am physically sick, I often go down kicking and screaming because I do not want to take my regular psychiatric tablets. 

Bipolar disorder and physical illness
Bipolar disorder and physical illness

Here is what happens: My mind believes that my body’s mental health will carry on if I press pause on taking the remedy for my mental illness symptoms. With each passing hour to each passing day, my mental acuity tends to suffer greatly.

Bipolar disorder and physical illness
Bipolar disorder and physical illness

Every day, I experience varying levels of the following: short bouts odepression, psychosis, mania and little to no ability to stay focused to name a few. 

Bipolar disorder and physical illness
Bipolar disorder and physical illness

If you take the above symptoms and mix them up real good, give the potion an electric shock, then you will have my high alert bipolar symptoms while contending with a fever, mucus, muscle aches, congestion and pains.  Then if I stop taking any of my psychotropic medicines please add a triple shot to that espresso.  

Bipolar disorder and physical illness
Bipolar disorder and physical illness

But the thing is, when I take all of my meds, my depression is more easily handled by usual treatments.  The psychosis is still there, but it is back to its old pattern where I can better manage the paranoia and hallucinations.  The mania is deflated for now and tucked away in a drawer until another day.  And I can focus better than I did when I was not medicated.


I fulfilled my promise to you, my reader.  In this blog post, I told you that from my experiences, getting enough sleep and taking my daily meds are the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  These methods are used in order to ease up the time on the sidelines of life as well as the tough symptoms of bipolar and your sinus infection.  When I become physically ill while living with a mental illness, it can be a madhouse. 

Bipolar disorder and physical illness
Bipolar disorder and physical illness

Call to Action

Do you feel a triple dose of your symptoms happening to you whenever you experience mental illness episodes and physical sickness?  Please share how you got through that flu, stomach bug, sinus infection or cold.  You can either write a comment in the section below or send an email to me at


References will be given upon individual requests.

Check us out on the web and become a FoLLOWER while you are there.








Life Conquering Blog- Conquering Bipolar with Jesus
Life Conquering Blog- Conquering Bipolar with Jesus

The post How to Survive a Crash between Bipolar Disorder and Physical Illness appeared first on Life Conquering Blog.

11 rarely known signs of depression Wed, 02 May 2018 13:06:08 +0000 Depression isn’t just over-blown sadness.  It is complicated.  It consists of a mix of well-known symptoms as well as not-so-well-known.  In the United States, almost one in 12 adults report having depression.  Women are twice as likely as their counterparts to...
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Depression isn’t just over-blown sadness.  It is complicated.  It consists of a mix of well-known symptoms as well as not-so-well-known.  In the United States, almost one in 12 adults report having depression.  Women are twice as likely as their counterparts to be depressed.  With this mental illness, usually comes life-issues, for instance, work.  Out of the adults who have this illness, 50 percent of them, explained they had trouble with work, social life and home life due to the symptoms.  30 percent from that survey alleged to experience “moderate” to extreme difficulty”.

rare depression symptoms

rare depression symptoms

Experiencing depression

From my wedding in 2006 to the following December 2007, I was in the biggest depression of my life.  At that time, I was a completely different person.  I am still battling depression but not like that year.  Those months leading up to my first psychiatrist appointment were brutally painful.  Here I had just spent a decade in mania that was so powerful that I do not remember suffering any depression.

I laid around the house during that year of depression, unable to do anythingMy job as a middle school teacher wore me down something awful to the point that I was useless at home to my husband and my dogs.  Cooking was like caring a small fire in your hand while climbing Mt. Everest.  Laundry was akin to being swallowed whole by a big fish.  The effort to bring work home from school was practically futile since nothing would get done.

Need to be willing to learn

In order for me to know that what I was undergoing was depression, I needed to learn.  I spoke with professionalsRead a ton of books and on the internet. I wrote down what I was feeling every day and got feedback from family and friends.

depression symptoms

depression symptoms

 11 rare depression symptoms

  1. Anger and irritability

Many men will display their depression in crankiness, grouchiness or anger.  So what?  Everybody gets angry.  True.  The intensity the depressed person experiences and reacts to are far more intense and lasts longer than any person without a mental illness.

  1. Sleeping patterns change

Sleeping too little, too much Broken sleepRestless sleepDifficulty sleepingGoing back to bed after a partner leaves for work.

depression symptoms

depression symptoms

  1. Forgetfulness and trouble concentrating

I can completely relate!  That is me all the time!   If it is a thought and can be forgotten, it will be forgotten by the person who is depressed.

Likewise with concentration.

  1. Beating yourself up

Their defect self-talk is all negative.  Doubt.  Lack of self-confidence.

  1. Drinking and drugs

“Drowning your sorrows.”  The drugs and drinking could become a habit that once was not there or an uptick in the regular abuse.

  1. Feeling numb

Inability to feel affectionate or grieve a loss.  When my Granny passed away, I was numb and had no feeling at all.  Ironically enough, I was unable to grieve because I was depressed.

  1. Trouble starting your internal engine and getting started

Difficulty getting out of bed, going to work, starting on projects, cleaning, exercising or getting the kids ready for going to church.

  1. Changes in eating

Eating too much or not at all.  Bingeing and purging.  Barely eating.

  1. Not showing up

Disappearance from people and regular hangouts, is a sign of problems.

  1. Anxiety

Unnecessary worrying.

  1. Passive thoughts of dying

There is a difference between regular thoughts on dying and abnormal thoughts.  That difference is the abnormal thoughts are thought all the time.  Like an obsession.

depression symptoms

depression symptoms


If you have a comment to make or to add to this blog, write your comment in the section labeled as such below.  You can also email me if you want to keep your comments private.


Life Conquering and Psych Central (Mental Health Discoveries)

Life Conquering and Psych Central (Mental Health Discoveries)



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Therapist and a psychologist – making that first appointment Wed, 18 Apr 2018 12:30:19 +0000 Deciding between a therapist and a psychologist?  What can therapists do and not do?  Are psychologists like psychiatrists?  Can they write prescriptions?  Check out What is the difference between therapists and a psychologist? Is it a mental illness? Have you ever...
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Deciding between a therapist and a psychologist?  What can therapists do and not do?  Are psychologists like psychiatrists?  Can they write prescriptions?  Check out What is the difference between therapists and a psychologist?

Is it a mental illness?

Have you ever noticed strange mental health or even physical symptoms that begin without any reason?  What do you do?  Shrug it off and pretend it was never there or be proactive and do something about it?  Below are suggestions as to what you should do if you think you might have a  mental illness.  The first thing is deciding between a therapist and a psychologist.

therapists and a psychiatrist

therapist and a psychologist

Do not be afraid of change

When I finally realized there was something wrong with me, I went straight to the people I knew I could trust.  Over the nearly 11 years that I have been diagnosed having bipolar disorder, I am on my fifth psychiatrist.  Now, I am seeing a psychologist after two therapists and a counselor.

Please be honest with yourself.  Listen to what the provider has to say and then research, research, research.  I was researching all the time and still are just to know my illness better and to see what needed to be done about it medically and therapeutically,

Now researching is not a way of elevating yourself over your doctor, therapist or psychologist.  It is a tool for you to be more informed.

Preparing for the first visit

  1. I would write down a list of your strange symptoms, while they are fresh in your memory.  Include dates as well as times, special events, life-altering situations (death, baby born, loss of job, divorce, going back to school, new house).
  2. Get as much information as you can about the mental health of family members.  Go as far back as you can.  I found out ta few years ago hat I have a family member on my dad’s side who had bipolar.  He also committed suicide.
  3. If you have family and good friends or even close co-workers, ask them if they can shed light onto your situation.  How are you different?  Personality?  Behavior?
  4. therapist and a psychologist

  5. Time to make the appointment with a therapist or psychologist.
  6. If you are unsure of which provider to choose (therapist or psychologist), take a look at the link above titled, What is the difference between a therapist and a psychologist?  That link will explain the difference between the two as well as the pros and cons of each.

Each therapist and psychologist have their own methods as well as their obvious differences.  You may be unsure of which provider to go to.  Go to the link at the top of this page that will take you to a site to help you chose.

Going Further

How to Handle Your First Psychiatric Appointment

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Anxiety as a teenager can keep you from your prize Mon, 02 Apr 2018 16:35:58 +0000 Anxiety is a frequent companion for most teenagers.  And when it sets up shop in your brain, it steals your prize. At school, your palms sweated when the teacher called you to give an answer in front of the class;...
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Anxiety is a frequent companion for most teenagers.  And when it sets up shop in your brain, it steals your prize.

At school, your palms sweated when the teacher called you to give an answer in front of the class; your heart was pounding like a drum in your chest as you were walking up to the girl you wanted to ask out; your throat choked up when you had a feeling the teacher might accuse you of cheating on the mid-term exam; or a stomach ache just before your first presentation at the science fare.

The Objective

To realize how anxiety will keep you from your prize if you do not stop it.

It does not matter how old you are; rich or poor; what color your skin is; or what language you speak.  Good ‘ole anxiety does not discriminate.  Think of it this way,

  1. You want to go to the dance Friday night.
  2. You have no date.
  3. What are you going to do?
  4. The girl and the dance are ultimately the prize you are seeking.
  5. Then anxiety kicks in and tries to steal away your prize.
  6. How?
  7. Simple, anxiety makes you so afraid that you can’t speak, you have a stomach ache, your face is flushed, your palms are sweaty, and you get “cold feet”.
  8. If you want to own that prize, you have to fight off negative self-talk, loneliness, uncertainty, fear of failure and the list goes on.

All the colors of anxety

All the colors of anxiety


A problem with your hands

The bridge between marching season in high school and regular band during my freshman year of high school, was like nothing I had experienced.  After marching band was over, I switched from percussion to clarinet.  No big deal, right?  Wrong.

There was only one senior in the entire band…and she played clarinet.  This meant she automatically would be first chair clarinet until a challenge.  This is where we choose a “seat” in our individual sections.  The people challenging and being challenged would have the same music selected before hand to play for that seat.

We had a substitute band teacher at that time. She set up a chair challenge.  The point of the challenge was to perform for the seat you wanted.  Of course I went for it!  I was never last chair, second during a concert maybe, but majority of the time, I was first.  I found my prize!  Now where is the anxiety?



On the day of the challenge, I tried not to think about it.  I had practiced my fingers off and was ready.

The challenge was in front of the entire band.  I played first since I was the challenger.  A chance to sit in the most covetous sea in the clarinet section!  I wiped my sweaty hands onto my jeans before picking up my instrument.  It felt as if something supernatural happened after I began the music selection.  I closed my eyes or was in a trance and let my fingers do the playing.  I did not remember even one note I played.

When it was her turn, she simply choked.  I did feel horrible for her.  I knew then like I know now, she was an extremely talented clarinet player in high school.  Anxiety must have made her fingers feel like lead weights.  At the same time, anxiety propelled me forward.

Winning against anxiety

Your fight might be in the rugby team, track, football team, swim team, chess club, physics club, third period French or any myriad of opportunities to push against anxiety and win.  If I flaked and did not challenge her, I would never known what I was capable of.  Anxiety is tough, but focusing on the prize and not the fear, makes everything work out.

Claim your Prize

Claim your Prize


Going Further

Recommendations on Anxiety Books for Children whom have Anxiety Problems

Do You have a Backbone or a Wishbone?

Anxiety Fools Your Brain to Direct Your Actions and Thoughts





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17 Facts about mental illness which proves it is more prevalent Thu, 22 Mar 2018 01:17:41 +0000 Mentally ill people look just like you and me who have “normal” mental health, right?  But… I had not accepted that truth until a few years ago.  The first time I went to a Bipolar Depression Support Alliance support group,...
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Mentally ill people look just like you and me who have “normal” mental health, right?  But… I had not accepted that truth until a few years ago.  The first time I went to a Bipolar Depression Support Alliance support group, I was shocked at how normal those people looked.  There I was with one of the worst mental illnesses sitting in a chair trying to determine the difference between the mentally ill people and their family member. Let’s just say I sucked at that game.

You might not know that your mail carrier has PTSD; the barista at your favorite coffee shop has anxiety; the secretary where you work has depression; and the list goes on.  You might not think this is possible, then you need to read these 17 facts.

Here are 17 facts that prove mental illnesses are more prevalent in out society then we might have thought.  It is important for you to know and realize that mental illness is unfortunately growing.  As the science behind mental illness recovery and the medicines that are prescribed, more of the mentally ill will have the confidence to hold down a job; worship outside of their home; travel; have children; in other words, have an actual life.

17 mental illness facts

1.  61,500,000

The number of Americans who will experience a mental illness during any given year.

2.  $100,000,000,000

The economic strain on our country due to the untreated individuals with a mental illness.

mental health facts

untreated mental health

3.  70 – 90%

This is the percentage of individuals who are mentally ill who improved with some sort of therapy.

4.  800,000

The number of individuals who die by suicide globally.

 5.  25%

This is the percentage of mentally ill individuals who feel that others are compassionate or understanding to the mentally ill.

encouragement and support

compassion and understanding

 6.  350,000,000

The amount of people worldwide affected by depression.


7.  79%

The percentage of all U.S. suicides carried out by men.


8.  40,000,000

The adults in America who suffer from anxiety disorders.



9.  7.5%

The amount of college students who reported feeling depressed to the point where it negatively impacted their ability to function.


10.  22

According to a 2013 report by the DVA, this is the underestimated number of veterans who died by suicide each day.

veteran suicides

veteran suicides

11.  10%

The percentage of children and adolescents who were disrupted in their day-to-day lives by a mental and emotional disorder.


12.  3,500,000

The figure of Americans who suffer from schizophrenia.




13.  60%

The percentage of adults who didn’t receive mental health assistance in 2012.


14.  6,100,000

This is the number of bipolars who live in the U.S.



15.  21%

“The percentage of mothers polled in a recent Baby Center survey who stated they have been diagnosed with postpartum depression. Approximately 40 percent of them did not seek medical treatment.”


16.  5,200,000

The post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) adults who suffer with this disorder in a given year.



17.  7

“The number of people who die by suicide per hour in the Americas.”


If you are contemplating hurting yourself, click on this.


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Twelve bipolar GIF’s Tue, 06 Mar 2018 19:30:19 +0000 These bipolar GIF’s are here to encourage people who have a mental illness.  I am showing you a window into my heart through these silly graphics.  You can look at these GIF’s which describe my bipolar 1 with psychotic features,...
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These bipolar GIF’s are here to encourage people who have a mental illness.  I am showing you a window into my heart through these silly graphics.  You can look at these GIF’s which describe my bipolar 1 with psychotic features, mixed episodes and ultradian rapid cycling and know you are not alone.

Step out when you are ready to encourage others with your story.  Reach out to safe places such as the local chapter of the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance in your hometown or state.  There you can share your journey with mental illness.

12 Bipolar GIF’s

  1. My moods cannot be controlled as if scheduling them on a calendar.

Oh, how I wish I could control my moods that way!  I will never be depressed in the morning or the afternoon or evening.  Or when it is raining.  Or when my husband goes to work.  My racing thoughts would shut up when I go to bed, get a massage or get a shower or bubble bath.  I will have just the right amount of mania to help me tackle the cleaning. Or to have it when I am at the grocery store so I can get out of there fast.  

You get what you get.  Manic, hypomanic or depressed.

Bipolar is a brain disorder, too.  I am incapable of stopping or starting the bipolar roller coaster that is going on inside my head.  The chemicals in my brain fire or do not fire due to bipolar.  I take medicine to help push or pull my brain in the right direction so I can function.



2.  This is a pretty good illustration of my bipolar moods every day.  LINDA VAN BRUGGEN happy fun illustration sad GIFIt is rare that I would go a day without my moods shifting in any direction.  As you see in the cell phone GIF, this represents just how quickly my moods can change. 

Just recently, I spoke with a woman who has bipolar, too.  She was explaining how long she goes between episodes.  “Wow!  Good for her!” I thought.  For me,I have ultradian cycling most of the day or mixed episodes. This basically means my moods change a bunch.  



3.  This is what it looks like in my mind during a manic episode. I am   constantly thinking and talking to myself.  The ideas are coming in like a meteor shower.  I feel alive.  Excited.  I can climb Mt. Everest by myself.  I am signing up for all kinds of opportunities without any time to dedicate to them.  Buying all kinds of shoes and purses.  And talking to people who I have been avoiding for months.



4.  Sometimes, I act out at the grocery store when I am manic-y with rage.  It does’t take much.  I may be standing in a mile-long line, the person in front of me is not going fast enough, the item I want to purchase is not available or the aisle I want to enter has a shopping cart jam.  Sometimes words actually come out.  In the state of mood I am in, I do not care it I am heard.  And sometimes they are all trapped in my mind, unable to scream out due to prayer.  Yes!  Prayer.  Needless to say, I do a lot of praying while at the grocery.  .jennifer lawrence GIF



5.  This is me when my thoughts flow easily and are also coherent and organized when I am writing.  They basically make sense, I am creative with boundless energy. I can stay up all night writing.  I feel young again.  I am a writing scholar.  Dreams and delusions flood my mind about the present and the future.     



6.  This describes the sum of the various parts of my mind and body when I am in an ultradian cycle.  I tend to flip-flop between each pole.  The frequency of which the moods change could happen in months, years, weeks, days or hours.  I have managed to switch from depression to mania in mere seconds multiple times.  Tears falling from my eyes,staining my cheeks.  At the same time, I am laughing like I’m mad.  It scared the shit out of my husband.  Now that says a lot, because he is a real tough guy. Image result for GIFS for bipolar



7.  This is when I cannot write PERIOD.  I cannot form sentences, paragraphs – not to mention thoughts or ideas!  This is happening a great deal lately. I started drafts of about six or more blog posts from the beginning of February up until now.  NONE of the drafts have been completed and published.  Today, I was depressed most of the day and it has taken me all day long to work on a post.  It still will not be finished in time to publish.  The depression always stunts the growth of the creativity.  



8.  When I have a bipolar road rage moment, I sound my horn, loudly and proudly.  That is really as far as it goes in the real world. Now I might drive more aggressively to my destination, let the incident stew  in my head and even tell my husband with grandeur what happened once he gets home from work.  I’m so glad brains are private and horns are loud.  



9.  This is me when I am in a mixed episode.  During a mixed episode, you experience both mania and depression at the same time.  Whenever I am mixed, I cannot make up my mind what I want to do because both poles are tugging at me  What I usually do in a mixed state is just sit there and stare into nothing.  



10.  This is my psychotic brain everyday.  Hallucinations in all five senses.  

Delusions that never go away.  Paranoid in my own house and outside my house.  I do not like going to bed for fear of what will be done to me.  And I had a psychotic break.



11. GIF’s of people who have bipolar. They look just like all the other people around them.  They are moms, dads, brothers, sisters, painters, teachers, doctors, chefs, actresses, pastors, secretaries, judges, counselors, you name it.

Carrie Fisher


  Bradley Cooper

 Image result for Delonte West

Delonte West


Image result

 Ernest Hemmingway

Image result for amy winehouse images

Amy Winehouse

Image result

Catherine Zeta-Jones


The post Twelve bipolar GIF’s appeared first on Life Conquering Blog.

Depression for the Holidays Tue, 02 Jan 2018 21:24:57 +0000 Another Christmas and New Years is marked off on the calendar, but the depression lingers on.  Some of us are exhausted from all the Christmas shopping, food preparations and holiday decorating.  At the same time, others are satisfied with another...
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Another Christmas and New Years is marked off on the calendar, but the depression lingers on.  Some of us are exhausted from all the Christmas shopping, food preparations and holiday decorating.  At the same time, others are satisfied with another successful Christmas.  The New Year rang in and now it’s time to get back to work.  Still there are others who have lingering depression that comes with this supposed MERRY season.

Depression wears many hats

Putting up ornaments, tinsel and poinsettias, placing them in their red and green storage bins can be overwhelming.  All I decided to decorate this past Christmas was a mantel.  I used six individual decorations from my Christmas decor collection.  It was still exhausting to pack it all up in a boot box.  Even more tiring was the trip up one flight of stairs and into a closet.  Depression. Leaves you drained of motivation.

I have spent many Christmases and New Years flooded with memories which spark depression.  I feel like Ebeneezer Scrooge sorting through his past with one of the Christmas spirits.  The older I get, the more bad memories seem to pile up.  Depression. Pushes your head into the slop of self-pity.

Another Christmas and New Years comes and goes with a flood of depression.  The scale is screaming.  My pants are splitting.  I loathe how I look and wish for a new body for next Christmas.  Depression.  Turns me against myself to a distorted image in the mind of someone with an eating disorder.  Instead of being proactive, I am reactive.

Do I wallow in depression or pick myself up again and again and again and again

  1. The good thing is that Christmas is over, now.  The party dress and hats have been put away until next year.  You can breathe a sigh of relief.  No more family obligations. No more tempting food to fight against.  No more embarrassing work place parties.
  2. As we turn the calendar to a new month and a new year, we can put those painful memories of Christmas’s past in a crackling fire where they will turn to ash.  The important thing about what is next, is a clear head from all the bad junk and baggage from the holiday and the year that is just retiring.
  3. A new year is here. What is next?  Open up your mind to the infinite possibilites that lie ahead.  So many exciting adventures yet to be experienced.  We get to start over afresh at the beginning of each year.
  4. I encourage you to try setting a few goals for yourself. Goal setting is a great way to focus your energies on the things you feel are important. Start small with two or three at the most so you have  a greater chance to succeed.  You can always add more goals later.
  5. Do your best to look forward to a new year.  There may be some uncertainties in the upcoming year.  But, you have a blank canvas- ready to fill with your own brush strokes.  You have a say in where your life goes.  What is next?  Do you want to sign up for an adult ed class?  Do you want to learn how to ski?  Do you want to learn how to bake?  Do you want to start a savings account or an investment fund?  Do you want to rebuild a car?  It is up to you whether your dreams will come true or turn to ash.

Stay Strong

So what is next, you say?  To stay strong.  Be ready to fight the depression anytime or anywhere.   Leave the past in the past even if it was just two hours ago.  Get help when you need it.  Stay connected with friends and family.  I pray that you will not let the depression from the holiday shadows get the best of you.

Going Further

Happy New Year! Are You Ready for Something Great?

Helping Someone with Depression



The post Depression for the Holidays appeared first on Life Conquering Blog.

How do you deal with a bipolar brain that is made of Laffy Taffy? Wed, 20 Dec 2017 18:54:05 +0000 Bipolar can be fickle Well, this morning has been successful in one way and a total failure in another in bipolar land.  I was able to type a draft last night for Blasting News where I am a contributing author. ...
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Bipolar can be fickle

Well, this morning has been successful in one way and a total failure in another in bipolar land.  I was able to type a draft last night for Blasting News where I am a contributing author.  I just got an email indicating that my article I submitted is being published.  Ya-hooo!

On the flip side I just tried to edit a blog I also drafted last night and get it read for publishing today.  I can’t tell if I have two different topics or just one or five.  It feels as if I am walking through a corridor of Laffy Taffy.  I just feel like this blog is all sticky and I am unable to fight through the bands of taffy in order to see clearly.

A day I didn’t see coming

Have you ever had a day like that?  Hmmm.  It happens to all of us.  We feel inadequate at our job because we feel like we have just forgotten the entire manual on their job.  While waiting tables you break almost every coffee cup you touch.  The copier is jammed every time you go to use it.  You just now noticed you have a coffee stain in a very prominent place on your suit.  And the meeting you are chairing is set for five minutes from now.

Life happens, doesn’t it?  On these days I usually can’t get a topic to write about.  My words do not flow.  And if I were to look at the main ideas coming from my head down my arms to my fingers to type onto the laptop, it would look like a game of Pick-up Sticks.  Just ideas going all over the place, intersecting in bizzare places.


On these days, I want to give up.  At least that is what I used to do.  I gave up.  I too a nap.  I chatted on social media.  I did everything except address the problem.  Now I want to F.I.G.H.T.!  No more wimping out.  I am resolved not to let this mental illness get the best of me.

Just now as I write this blog about fighting against the battles of life, I am sleepy from staying up later than usual.  I would like to take a nap.  However, I know all the work that needs to be done will swirl around in my brain, keeping me from sleep.

Stay in the game

As you go about your day, whether you have a mental illness or have a flat tire on the side of the road, FIGHT to stay in the game.  Don’t check out!  You have a lot to learn from yourself today.  But if you you don’t fight, that is okay too.  There is always tomorrow.

A Call To Action

If you have a success story or a failure story where you learned to FIGHT and as a result learned something from it, please email.  I would love to read the story as well as the lesson learned.

Going Further

22 Mindfulness Exercises, Techniques & Activities For Adults (+ PDF’s)

Bipolar Roller Coaster: Nineteen Jobs since College

Anxiety-Provoking Staplers in the Den of Work Life


The post How do you deal with a bipolar brain that is made of Laffy Taffy? appeared first on Life Conquering Blog.

Ultra-rapid cycling bipolar – a day in the life Thu, 14 Dec 2017 15:08:40 +0000 The rapid cycling disorder has characteristically four or more affective mood episodes yearly; whereas ultra-rapid cycling (which I have) is basically when the mood variances occur more frequently.  The bipolar ultra-rapid cycling phases for me can last as little as...
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The rapid cycling disorder has characteristically four or more affective mood episodes yearly; whereas ultra-rapid cycling (which I have) is basically when the mood variances occur more frequently.  The bipolar ultra-rapid cycling phases for me can last as little as a few seconds or minutes to a couple hours.

This constant back and forth on the mood spectrum is where you get the rollercoaster ride.  I hate it.  With my flavor of bipolar, I am prone to the ups and downs of the disorder more frequently than some.  That is where ultra-rapid cycling comes in.

Ultra-rapid cycling – depression

For instance a typical day might look like me struggling to get out of bed.  Trying to decide if I am going to exercise.  If I can just work out for at least 10 minutes, I will count it as a victory.  Although, the other day I spent only 5 minutes exercising.  Although the time was short, it was much better than going back to sleep on the couch.

Continuing in the depressed side of the bipolar, I will struggle through writing projects during that morning.  It is as if my brain is set in concrete.  I stare into space.  I stare at the computer screen.  I cannot focus on any one task.  Sometimes I give in and go to sleep.

ultra-rapid cycling bipolar

ultra-rapid cycling bipolar

I look at my calendar and see that I have an appointment that afternoon.  Nope.  That is getting canceled.  It does not matter if it is a therapy session, doctor’s appointment or coffee with a friend, if I am feeling afraid to go out of the house, I won’t.  Some days, since I work from home, I never leave the house.

Ultra-rapid cycling – mania

Then in the middle of the afternoon, I will feel like “Wonder Writer” with the advent of a manic high.  Ideas will piece together and not be discombobulated.  I will be able to edit previous works.  And that conclusion on the article I have been working on the last two days finally gets wrapped up.

ultra-rapid cycling bipolar

ultra-rapid cycling bipolar

As the night wears on, I will get spikes in the mania and dips of hypermania.  I spend the evening chatting away at 90 mph or I write like there’s no tomorrow.

What will tomorrow bring

I can never really plan for sure what my mood is going to be the next day.  What I have realized over the years, is that individual moods do not stay around for very long.  One of the reasons I started this Life Conquering ministry to mentally ill individuals is that I want them to know there is someone like me out there who understands what they are going through.  My support group is very small and is mainly friends.  Friends who know what  I am going through from their own experiences.  Or friends who are really good at being empathetic and not try to give me prefabricated advice.  On some days, it is just me and God.

I also have mixed episodes where you experience both mania and depression at the same time.  It is a horrible sensation.  Almost as if you are the tug-of-war rope and you are being split in half.  I remember when I first realized I was having a mixed episode.  It was creepy.  Whenever I cannot make up my mind, I know I am probably in a mixed episode.  For instance, I need to work on an article for Blasting News.  At the same time, I need to write a blog and do some research.  I glance at all three and I have no idea which to start with.  It takes me some time to figure it out and when I do, I might change it.

I can imagine you guessed the next wonderful mood experience that I have quite often.  Yep.  I have ultra-rapid cycling episodes occurring at the same time as a mixed episodes.  Can you image how that might feel?

Suicide Prevention Lifeline

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is an United States-based suicide prevention network of 161 crisis centers that provides a 24/7, toll-free hotline available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress.Wikipedia

Call 1-800-273-8255

Available 24 hours everyday


I have shared with you some websites that might be of interest to you on this subject.

Bipolar Disorder Symptoms – Are You Missing the Subtle Signs?

Bipolar Roller Coaster – A Not-so-Lonely Ride

Mental Illness: Making a Decision, Heads or Tails

The post Ultra-rapid cycling bipolar – a day in the life appeared first on Life Conquering Blog.

Articles published by Blasting News! – Hillary Clinton demands teaching a nationwide mental illness curriculum Sat, 18 Nov 2017 22:11:42 +0000 Mental Illness Curriculum Education and mental illness – two subjects I know very well. Please visit the article and share it with people you know. Also, visit Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and my website.… Work and...
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Mental Illness Curriculum

Education and mental illness – two subjects I know very well. Please visit the article and share it with people you know. Also, visit Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and my website.

mental illness curriculum

mental iIlness curriculum

Work and Stress

This used to be the way of life for me.  Consequently I gained a lot of extra weight.

mental illness curriculum

work and stress

Therapy Dogs and Their Role in Mental Illness

I have two dogs and they help me out all the time with my bipolar.

mental illness curriculum

therapy dogs

Even the Army is taking notice of Mental Illnesses

The Army waivers the ban on mental illnesses of recruits.

mental illness curriculum

mental illness waiver

The post Articles published by Blasting News! – Hillary Clinton demands teaching a nationwide mental illness curriculum appeared first on Life Conquering Blog.
