Bipolar and Media Consumption

Maintaing Healthy Body I recently purchased a Fitbit Zip. It is no secret on this blog that I need to lose weight. The Zip has many great features. One of the features I like is the calorie counter. When I…
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Conquering Bipolar Through Christ
Maintaing Healthy Body I recently purchased a Fitbit Zip. It is no secret on this blog that I need to lose weight. The Zip has many great features. One of the features I like is the calorie counter. When I…
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The beauty and the nightmare of mood disorders is that you never stay on the same mood. Since I have bipolaMood Disorders as a Beautyr I with psychotic features, my moods really fluctuate. I also experience mixed episodes where both…
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In this day and age, we hear a lot about people who have OCD or obsessive compulsive disorder. What are obsessions? Defining Obsessions There are three forms of obsessions: Words in your head including doubts for example, “what if….?” “did…
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The Darkness of this World Even though there are countless promises of God, many of us do not have fond memories of this place called earth. A painful childhood, a rough start as an adult or a string of failures…
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If I were a Bubble If I were a bubble, I would float and drift In the air without a care. If I were a bubble, I would reflect like glass Shiny colors that fade real fast. …
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Bipolar relapse is when you begin to feel symptoms of the disorder coming on when before, things were pretty quiet. It is very important to keep track of these relapses and their symptoms. Report them to your psychiatrist and therapist…
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To Disclose or Not to Disclose I had dinner the other night with one of my former co-workers who I had not disclosed my mental illness to. When we worked together, she was also a supervisor, mentor, crisis situation handler,…
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What is a High-functioning Bipolar? I have always had difficulties throughout the years getting my doctors to take my bipolar seriously since I am considered a high-functioning bipolar. First of all, high-functioning is projected by my psychologist to mean that…
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Example from My Life of No Motivation to Exercise When my life was liken to a hot fudge syrup of mania covering a vanilla ice cream cone, I did not have any trouble with my overall health because of no…
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That word — suicide is not always an easy word to talk about in mental illness circles. It all depends on what point of the circle you land on. Either someone has thought about it, attempted it, know someone who…
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When I am at work, I give it my all. Sometimes a manic episode kicks in and I put everything in over-drive. On the flip-side, the depression makes me feel like I am moving through cement. I spend most of…
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I believe that I owe my readers an apology. I have been MIA (missing in action) on this blog. For over a month, I have been depressed and unable to write anything. An idea would pop in my head for…
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