

Throughout my day, I find myself going to God and asking Him for extra grace or an extra helping of a fruit of the Spirit such as patience or self-control. In the heat of the moment or before the heat turns up, I take a moment to pray for God to equip me with a supernatural kind of disposition to display in my situation. I have realized in my experiences with God, He will give me my “daily bread” allotment of what I need for what I ask. When I am lacking in grace for instance, God will give me exactly what I need for the day.

I like to use tools to help me in any way with my Christian life like writing Bible verses on note cards to help me memorize them throughout the day. I have even developed a helpful tool for prayer. I do not know if you remember using acronyms in school. This prayer is as simple as remembering G.R.A.C.E.   This acronym is based on the Lord’s Prayer.

G – glorify God

R – realize He is in control

A – accept His daily provision (such as grace)

C – carry your troubles (temptations, forgiveness) to Him

E – express gratitude

Here is an example of how G.R.A.C.E. can be used.

Father God, I glorify your Name above every name. I realize you are in control, even in my lack of grace, for you are the Author and Perfector of my faith. I accept your daily provision of grace. You will give me just enough grace that I need to extend your grace in this situation. My temptation to keep your grace to myself I carry to you. I thank you for your boundless grace that you have given to me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

If you have a relationship or a situation that is lacking in grace, love, mercy, forgiveness, use this G.R.A.C.E. prayer to help you to grow in your area of need. God will provide you with what you need for your specific relationship.