The post Bipolar Disorder Warriors and the Weapons They Use in Battle appeared first on Life Conquering Blog.
]]>“I fight for my health every day in a way most people don’t understand. I’m not lazy. I’m a warrior.” –
If you have bipolar disorder or any other affliction you can consider yourself a warrior. Type in the Comments section the diagnosis of an ailment, physical or mental affliction that you battle every day.
You might have a speech impediment, cancer, Tourettes Syndrome, anxiety, Lou Gehrig’s Disease or any of the numerous monsters I didn’t mention, you are a warrior. You become a force to be reckoned with the moment you say “(insert your illness)” will not get the best of me”! Of all the mental and physical ailments we have in this world, no matter your story, these monsters are extremely difficult to overcome. And just getting out of bed, taking one step at a time, breathing in and out, YOU ARE A WARRIOR.
Speaking as one of the brave Bipolar Disorder Warriors, I know if I go into battle, I must be prepared. As a warrior, I need the right weapons in order to pull myself out of the pit of despair when I am depressed; keep the argument with my boss from growing into a full-blown manic episode; or letting my proper sleep hygiene disappear among the stars.
In this blog post, I am going to introduce the number one weapon I use as a Bipolar Disorder Warrior. That weapon is prayer.
“Suffering provides the gym equipment on which my faith can be exercised.” – Joni Eareckson Tada
If you are a Christian, there are several weapons that you could use in the midst of the battle. Remember the Armor of God? My favorite weapon I like to go to, over and over and over again, is prayer. Some of my most challenging fights have been won with the battle implement prayer. Prayer taught me just how much I didn’t know about anything and especially just how much I am unfit for the battle. Prayer directs me to the Source of Power. That is why I pray to the One who knows everything and is Most Powerful, too.
I have been a Christian longer than I have had bipolar disorder. When I received the bipolar diagnosis 11 years after the symptoms surfaced, I had no idea how to respond as a Christian. Even though there is a history of mental illness on both sides of my family, that subject was never brought up at birthday parties or during the giving of gifts at Christmas. But that didn’t matter due to the fact the Christian exposure I received at church as a child, once maybe three times or more a week, actually helped me when I was in compromising situations or when I have suicidal ideations.
I do not always believe I measure up as a Bipolar Disorder Warrior. I bet some of you think that way, too.
In the midst of the roller coaster of moods, OCD, ADHD, and severe anxiety, I always expect for the warrior feeling to show up. And of course I should expect to feel like a warrior. God made me. He knitted me together in my mother’s womb. He knows the number of hairs on my head. And those statements above are facts from the Bible, let yourself believe.
Sometimes the belief in my prayers is likened to a direct line (without any busy signals) to the Creator of the Universe. Other times, because I am human, I feel all I will get are busy signals or the voicemail. I know from years of seeing God work that He will give me an answer in due time. Whether it is yes, no, maybe, wait awhile, God will answer us in His perfect timing.
When God turns me around to stand in front of His holy mirror, I see myself as He sees me. Standing in front of God’s mirror, I feel immersed in all of God’s power and strength. I also feel loved. There are no personal judgements glaring at me. I feel peace like none other before. When I see myself the way God sees me, I become that warrior, yes, even the warrior with bipolar 1 including psychotic features, one who will walk tall and shout loudly to share God’s love for a mentally ill middle-aged woman.
At that point is when I know I am ready to face any problem inside my head or out. The Bible says when I am weak, God is strong. He will fight for me. God will give me whatever signals I need to make prayer the first thing I reach for when the challenges begin!
What is the first thing you reach for when in the middle of a challenge mentally or physically? Write your answers in the Comments section below.
Share about a time when you felt like a Warrior. How does it feel to be a Warrior? How do you conjure up those warrior feelings when the going gets tough? Put your answers in the comment section below or email me at
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]]>The post Little lamb born in the manager appeared first on Life Conquering Blog.
]]>This was no ordinary baby. Of course all new mothers think theirs is special. But this baby had a destiny like no other. Jesus would fulfill over 300 prophesies that predicted His birth, life, death and His resurrection. This was the promised Messiah. The One who would heal the sick, bind up the broken hearted and take away the sins of the world. This is King Jesus.
The little baby, sleeping in the manger was to grow up and become the perfect sacrifice which would put an end to all sacrifices. No more bloodshed after the priceless blood of Jesus was shed on our behalf. So the little lamb in the manger is at peace for the true sacrifice that will satisfy the penalty for our sins was born that starry night.
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]]>The post Depression Valleys Light Up with Faith appeared first on Life Conquering Blog.
]]>The depression statistics I have for 2017 shows the seriousness of the illness. Depression is underdiagnosed. Often times, the mental illness is not treated at all. There are over 300 million depressed people in the world. The number of people with common mental disorders globally like depression is rising.
I believe that in many ways, we have so much more to learn about depression. Depression just happens to be the number one cause of death by a mental illness. In this post, I want to offer you an alternative to depression and give you hope. Now, I am not saying you will be free and clear of your depression. You will be better able to cope.
When I have been in the valley of bipolar depression and surrounded on all sides by hills of anxiety and fear, I become practically paralyzed. I do not know what to do or to say to free myself from this bondage. My default is to stare out the window for an indefinite amount of time, lose all sense of time and reality, unaware of the things around me.
The valleys are as deep as they are wide and the hills are as tall as they are long. In the valley of depression, under the shadow of the hills of anxiety and fear, I must look for help, in order to survive. I must remember that the God of the universe is my help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1). I tell you today, I can call out to Him and He will help me. Honestly, He will not leave me alone in the valley of depression.
I have learned many lessons through my experiences with bipolar depression. One lesson is that my faith in God goes a long way in getting me through the valleys and seeing past the mountains. In Matthew 17:20, we read Jesus saying to his disciples “I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
I know I could do that, if I just had enough faith that God will move the mountain. However, that is okay. He knows and understands. So, I lean on my Savior. I lean on Jesus like I do for every other thing in my life. Paying the bills. Finding a job. A sick child. An overworked father. The threat to turn off the heat.
When bipolar depression hits me like a ton of bricks and it feels like I am moving through mud, it is difficult to do this thing called life on my own. It takes an enormous amount of faith on my part to be able to trust Him to carry me through every minute of every day. And not to take back the control.
There is no way without the help of the Almighty God that I can be a wife, go to work, take care of my dogs, let alone take care of myself. Some days I cannot even get out of bed or take a shower. Those things are sometimes my mountains that tower over me. Life gets that hard. However, over time I have grown in my faith in God and those mountains quake and move during those dark hours.
Our Savior says to tell that mountain “move” and it will move. When was the last time you mustered up a little bit of faith of your own? All you need is faith the size of a mustard seed and you can make your mountains move.
Realize this, you are not moving the mountain by yourself, God is moving the mountain. Just the same, you are not curing your depression, God is walking you through your mental illness. Having a mustard-size faith in God, the Maker of heaven and earth can cause your mountains to move and fall at your feet.
Do you have depression? You may not believe in the God that I have been talking about. He actually may sound different than the One you have heard of. Find some quiet time and spend it talking, yes just talking, regular language. Listen with your heart. If you would like to share, leave a comment below or email me at
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]]>The post Bipolar Rests in the Forgiveness of Jesus appeared first on Life Conquering Blog.
]]>I discovered I have a lot in common with a tax collector, because me, a bipolar rests in the forgiveness of Jesus. This tax collector is no ordinary collector. He is not a family member or a neighbor. I have known him since I was a little girl. I learned he is forgiven by Jesus just like me. You will learn more about him next.
In Luke Chapter 5 of the Bible, you will find one of my favorite passages. Jesus was invited to a different sort of party with a different kind of crowd. Jesus had just called Levi, the tax collector, to become one of His disciples (students or followers). In celebration of Levi’s new calling, Levi held a banquet at his house and invited all his friends.
Once the Pharisees (religious rule enforcer) and teachers of the law heard about the party, they complained about Jesus hanging out with such a shameful group of “sinners”. Jesus responded to the Pharisees and teachers of the law by saying the people who knowingly sin are the people who need me.
In the days of Jesus, tax collectors were not considered fine, upstanding citizens. Many times tax collectors were known to skim off the top to pad their own pockets. Whatever shady business practices Levi may have conducted, Jesus looked passed the sin in Levi’s life and saw the potential for greatness.
Jesus looked passed my sin and saw my potential, too just like Matthew. I spent about ten years in a bipolar manic state. Rage ran through my veins like I was the Hulk. My credit cards were blowing up as I charged everything. I didn’t really have a job. Well actually job-jumping was my job. Men, men, men and more men. Reckless living and reckless driving. I was helpless; unable to think straight; or curb my appetite for sinful living.
My mental illness, coupled with the baggage of my family, created a toxic environment where I made a multitude of unwise decisions. Many of those were unsafe and risky if not dangerous to my well being – physically, spiritually and emotionally. However, I knew in the back of my mind from learning about Matthew at a young age, I, a bipolar, rests in the forgiveness of Jesus.
When I was finally diagnosed and was on the proper medicine for my bipolar 1 with psychotic features, rapid cycling and mixed episodes, I was able with a clear mind assess the damages that was done those ten years. It was like assessing the damages of a Category 3 hurricane on a coastal town.
I have come to terms with the mistakes I have made while manic. I know I was not in my right mind. However, being a Christian who is supposed to be holy and righteous, I could not leave my past whirlwind there with just an acknowledgement. God worked with me through the muck and the mire for a long time and he is still working on me since I still battle horrible, out-of-control mania.
There have been times when I have felt I was too far gone. My sins were far too great to carry around on my own. It was as if I heard the voices of the Pharisees in my mind constantly reminding me of my sins. But Jesus’s voice was louder and he said “You are forgiven.”
The Bible says “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed,” (Isaiah 53:5). Jesus took the penalty for my sins to the cross and nailed it there forever. I can live in peace and live as a healed person because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.
Jesus came for people like me, who was lost in sin and who needed a savior (Luke 19:10). He extends His offer of freedom from sin to you, as well. Have you accepted it? Are you willing to open your heart to Him? If you have already accepted His gift of freedom from sin, be sure to spend some time thanking Him today.
Do you have some unconfessed sin? Do you have some things in your life that haunt you? Are you mentally ill and question did I or did I not sin? Or can you be like me, a bipolar rests in the forgiveness of Jesus. Go to God in prayer.
In the Comment space below, tell me your opinion 1) Can a bipolar rests in the forgiveness of Jesus? 2) If a mentally ill person sins while under the influence of his or her mental illness, did they sin or should the deed be erased completely like it never happened? You can also email me at
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]]>The post Fear not for I have overcome the world appeared first on Life Conquering Blog.
]]>I have a heavy heart this morning. I have been listening to the analysis of the Las Vegas shootings. We live in a dark, dark world. It is only going to get worse, I’m afraid. However, what looks as if things are falling apart, is only coming together in God’s timing. Stay strong my friends. This just means that Jesus is coming soon – on a horse, with King of Kings and Lord of Lords inscribed on his thigh. The evil of the present world has no bearing on our lives if we just believe and hold on to hope. The only hope there is? It is from God.
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]]>The post A Two-Way Prayer Opens Up Conversation with Jesus appeared first on Life Conquering Blog.
]]>It is no secret that prayer is very important to me in managing my bipolar. Anxiety washes over me like a tsunami, I pray to God. Anger reaches its boiling point and I reach out to the Prince of Peace. Depression drags me deep into the valley, I look to Jesus to be my Shepherd through the dark.
I am really good with those prayers that are spoken in the heat of the battle. What happens is my prayer life ends up being a one-way conversation with God. There is absolutely no problem with this way of praying. However, I try to incorporate different types of prayers in my day in order to grow closer to Him.
But what about having a two-way conversation with God? This is where you do less talking and more listening.
Pick a time during the day that you are most alert and focused. Also, you need to find a location that is free from distractions.
These are just a few of my favorite ways to have a two-way conversation with Jesus.
Email me at and describe your prayer life and any ways that you use to help you pray..
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]]>The post Life Conquering Ministries Debuts at Southeast Christian Church Southwest Campus appeared first on Life Conquering Blog.
]]>On Saturday, April 22, 2017, from 10:30-12:30 the Southwest Campus Women’s Ministry hosted “Pinterest and Popcorn”. The event had a number of booths with an eclectic tapestry of ideas and topics. There were craft stations, fudge samples, homemade jewelry and even a live chicken! Life Conquering Ministries set up a booth, too.
I eagerly accepted a position as booth presenter. The morning of the event, I packed up the laptop, copies of my first published article, a bag of Life Savers candy and tickets for a giveaway. I had a chance to speak to at least 70 different women about how Jesus is my life saver in the hell of my bipolar 1.
I was so blessed to meet so many beautiful women. Even more amazing is how many women opened up once I said “I have bipolar 1”. I was not prepared to meet women who said “I have had depression for over 20 years” or “My husband has anxiety” or “My neighbor’s niece has bipolar”. I was blown away at the number of women who were touched in some way by mental illness and felt like I did – people need to be educated and the stigma needs to vanish AND JESUS IS OUR LIFE SAVER!
From Saturday’s first successful experience presenting Life Conquering, I am even more determined to get the word out about this ministry. If you know of a group, men or women or young or old who could use some encouragement, please contact me. My main story might be bipolar 1, your story might be abuse, divorce, adoption, failure, greed, lying…it doesn’t matter what your story is, the answer is all the same – JESUS!
If you have an event scheduled, where God could work through Life Conquering to share His love, contact met, I would love to share the truth of God’s Word with any group.
Here is a recording of Jennifer Choate, Southwest Women’s Ministry Leader who shows observers the activities going on at the PInterest and Popcorn Event at Southeast Christian Church Southwest Campus.
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]]>The post Breaking the Bipolar Stigma – Life Conquering Takes to the Road appeared first on Life Conquering Blog.
]]>One part of Life Conquering Mnistries is to educate and break down the bipolar stigma. I am just like anyone else. I only happen to have a mood disorder. I am not a monster or an alien. Take the time to get to know me and you will see that I am just like you.
I feel there might be some bipolar stigma in the office where I work. I have heard the remarks people make about the mentally ill. Those comments make me feel uncomfortable. No one knew at work until yesterday that I have a mental illness. My friend was utterly shocked. Of course there is the pharmacy full of medicine I am on everyday and the tight hold on God’s hand that I have and refuse to let go that make me appear normal.
Some of you on social media may not realize there is actually a purpose behind Life Conquering and the sometimes very personal musings I post. My other goal besides breaking bipolar stigma is to encourage individuals with bipolar by sharing my life experiences.
My bipolar 1 is my thorn in my side (2 Corinthians 12:7-10). But just like the Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians shares about his thorn, Paul also uses his weakness to shine a light for God and His love and grace. The bipolar was not a lightning bolt sent down from God to punish me. NO! I believe this is a venue to talk with people about how God has seen me through some very difficult times in my life as well as break the bipolar stigma.
Tomorrow, Saturday, April 22, 2017, from 10:30-12:30 I will have a booth set up at my church, Southeast Christian Church, Louisville, KY at the Southwest Campus. The Women’s Ministry at the Southwest Campus is hosting Pintrest and Popcorn. It is not just about pintrest. There will be an ecclectic mix of presenters sharing. Families are welcome. I am SO excited about my first time on the road with the ministry. It is such a huge passion of mine and I want the word to get out to those who are struggling with bipolar and to break the bipolar stigma.
Email me at and tell me about any bipolar stigma you have experienced as someone who has bipolar or someone without a mental illness.
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]]>The post Tim Tebow – A Quality Athlete and a Christian appeared first on Life Conquering Blog.
]]>Tim Tebow hit a homer his first night at-bat for the minor leagues last night! Woo-hoo! You go Tim! Tebow, former NFL quarterback for the Denver Broncos and New York Jets, now plays left field for the Single-A Columbia Fireflies. Columbia went on to win the game last night against Augusta Greenjackets 14-7.
I am not what you would call a HUGE baseball fan. Of course I first heard of Tim Tebow when he was in the NFL. I REALLY hated to see him leave football, but he needed to do what God was calling him to do. Life isn’t perfect – even for an athlete like Tebow. The rest of last night’s opener fell flat for the college football star.
I first met Tim Tebow when he came and visited my church, Southeast Christian Church. Dave Stone, our Senior Pastor interviewed him at the Blankenbaker Campus during the preaching portion of the service . Dave and Tim exchanged jokes, talked sports and talked about Jesus for about a half-an-hour. I was so impressed with the down-to-earth manner in which he presented himself. He was the REAL deal! He spoke of his athletic career with professionalism. Tebow also opened up about his not-so-private relationship with Jesus. I walked away that Saturday night inspired and encouraged.
I have bipolar 1 and I am a Christian. That is pretty rare. I can relate to Tim who’s Christian values are rare in sports. Psychiatrists and therapists look at you with a silly look on their faces when you start talking about how God pulled you through another night of a near-suicide in general do not believe that Jesus can be closer than a brother and that He can help you live a normal life.
In his book, Shaken, the sub-title says “Discovering your true identity in the midst of life’s storms”. I have been on a path of discovery all of my life, just like Tim Tebow. From having a mental illness and being an adult child of an alcoholic, I have walked a long road with Jesus at my side helping me to sift through all that life throws at me. I love seeing people in the real world like Tim Tebow who show with their life that, yeah, life is hard. But life’s difficulties are always better walking alongside Jesus.
Email me at and share with me your path of discovery that you have been on like Tim Tebow. If you have read his book Shaken or did the Bible study, I would love to hear about that, too.
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]]>The post Jesus Fights My Battles Everyday, All Day appeared first on Life Conquering Blog.
]]>I found this quote by Charlotte Bronte. “But life is a battle: may we all be enabled to fight it well.”
There was a time when I thought my skills and my strength and the fact I got an education was what won the fights. I thought my reputation was the reason I was succeeding. All wrong!
It took me falling to the ground with my face smashed into the carpet reeling from a mixed Bipolar episode to realize that it isn’t by my own strength that I win the battles. Jesus Christ fights for me. Not me – I’m too weak. But another thing I have discovered, when I am weak, that is when I am strong. I would rather have bipolar and Jesus anyday than no bipolar and my strength to carry me through.
Here is a link to my bipolar blog, Life Conquering. I talk about all things bipolar and mental illness in general. But I also talk about how God has walked beside me, bipolar and all.
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