You Tube video on 10 Common Warning Signs of Mental Health in Teens and Young Adults

Warning Signs of Mental Health

The warning signs of mental health are everywhere.  A teenager who sleeps all evening every evening behind a closed door.  A father who does not want to go home, stops by the local pub every night after work  A young college waitress risking it all to pick up every guy she meets on the job.  A high school athlete hides his fear of not being able to play because he is so anxious that he has panic attacks.  A mom pops pain pills all day thinking that it will stop the pain she feels deep down inside.

I hope you enjoy this You Tube video.  You never know, with your knowledge of the warning signs of mental health, you could one day save someone’s life.

 Help is here

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Resources

Going Further

ADHD in Adults – The Truth behind the Mystery

Conquering the Real Demon of Mental Illness: Stigma

About Amy Pierce Romine

I am an award-winning bloggerfreelance writer, speaker and social media consultant on topics regarding mental health. The symptoms of my bipolar 1 with psychotic features, rapid cycling and mixed episodes remained unnoticed from my early childhood days through high school where I grew up in an alcoholic home.  I went completely manic in my twenties and did not have my first diagnosis and treatment until 2007.  My blog, Life Conquering is an award winning blog.  You may find me at 

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