Depression Bipolar Support Alliance, has DBSA Online Support Groups. To have the opportunity to join an online mood disorder group without leaving the house, is a God send for someone like me. I did not go to as many face-to-face DBSA meetings as I wanted because of my illness. First, my paranoia would kick in and I was afraid to drive the distance to the meeting place thinking I would have an automobile wreak. Or the sun would set before the meeting ended which incited my fear of driving in the dark. My adoring husband took me to countless DBSA meetings at St. Paul Church where the groups met. I am just so glad that I do not have to go through that anymore. I can just go online to meet with a DBSA group.
I believe DBSA Online Support Groups have a huge purpose and a monumental impact on peoples’ lives. There are plenty of people in the mood disorder community who are just like me. They too are crippled by the mental illness that wakes up with them every day and goes to bed with them every night. The anxiety, paranoia, delusions, inability to concentrate, obsessions, mood swings, depression, mania, psychosis and so much more might have you paralyzed. Whether you go to the physical location and meet face-to-face with the group or open up your laptop and meet online, you are going to be blessed.

DBSA Online Support Groups
- Have you been to a support group online? Tell us about your experiences in the section below.
2. Why do you go to the support groups?
3. What keeps bringing you back for each meeting?
You can always email me at [email protected]
The post DBSA online support groups appeared first on Life Conquering Blog.